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Sunday, June 12, 2022

Importance of Dairy Products

 When we are talking about food, we must include dairy products because they have significant importance on our health. Dairy products are very good for bones and muscles. So those who are more concern about their fitness they should include it in their diets. Those who play outdoor games like cricket and football or those who go for gym must use dairy products to strengthen their energy. As we are talking about dairy products that are by product of milk all are healthy but some are rich in fats so they should be used in limited quantity. Nothing is good in overeating anything, so limited and balanced diet is good for health.

Dairy products include:

1.   Protein:

 It is the main building block of bones, skin, muscles, and blood.  Dairy products are enriching in protein that helps in improving the health and stamina. People who are suffering from hair loss our weak hairs must include dairy products in their diet for restoring them. Amino acid present in the milk helps in effectively building bones and muscles.

 2.   Calcium:

It helps our heart muscles and nerves to work effectively. With the passage of time calcium problem arise due to calcium deficiency. So it is essential to include milk, yogurt, and cheese in your diet to gain calcium from them.

Dairy products are helpful in:

a)    Reduce Blood Pressure:

In today world we see many death cases due to high blood pressure. Hypertension is another cause of high blood pressure. Regular intake of dairy products lowers the risk of high blood pressure.

b)    Helpful for diabetic people:

We see now a day’s many young ones are suffering from this, years back it was concept that when a person get older then he prone to diabetes. Consuming regular required amount of dairy product will prevent from type 2 of diabetes.

c)     Improves Digestion:

Yogurt contains friendly bacteria known as macrobiotics. People suffering from severe constipation are at times advised to drink lukewarm milk before they go to the washroom, as it works as a great laxative, thereby improving bowel movements. Drinking milk on daily basis helps to improve digestion.

d)    Improves Sleep:

 In case you have ever had difficulty in sleep, using dairy products like milk will be helpful for you to faced difficulties while sleeping. Milk has a sizable amount of tryptophan which releases serotonin in the brain thereby helping in stimulating sleep.

e)     Helps in weight Management:

 Obesity is rate is highest in the history of mankind. Whether you are willing to lose weight or gain weight drinking milk or consuming yogurt in any form will help you control/manage weight easily. It also helps you prevent metabolic syndrome at a later stage.



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