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Thursday, June 16, 2022

Impact of Fast Food Then And Now

 Many People underestimate the effect fast food has on their lives. Whether we accept or deny this fact but it has made a major change in our eating habits as well as our lifestyle. Until the last century, most people were fond of eating organic foods, fresh home cooked meals and healthy foods such as vegetables, fruits etc. People used to dine out once in a blue moon because they weren’t habitual of dining out or eating fast food multiple times a week, they cared about their health and nutrition more than anything. They did not suffer with chronic diseases at a young age or even at all because their diet was controlled and they were fond of eating organic foods which contained all kinds of nutrients required for a healthy lifestyle. In short fast food was not such a big part of their lives and neither was it of much importance to them.

But over time, this trend has drastically diversified in the recent years. Fast food was made easily accessible to everyone. People started to change their habits and shifted their lifestyle to dine out more often regardless of the impact it was having on their health. From kids and teenagers to adults, fast food became popular among all, everyone became fond of eating junk food such as burgers, fried chicken shakes, pizzas, etc. Moreover, fast food was made easily accessible to everyone through delivery apps such as Food-panda. If people were too busy to cook for themselves, they would order food through few clicks on their cellphone. During this duration, Food businesses all over the world gained enough market share and used it to their advantage. However, people got so busy with filling their empty stomachs with fast food, they didn’t realize the downside of these things.


With these junk food eating habits, people start to encounter problems such as obesity, lack of healthy nutrients, laziness, health issues and many more. Nowadays, fast food has become so important in our lives that it became a want instead of a need. As we all know that excess of everything is bad, this situation falls into that category. Even though fast foods taste good, doesn’t mean its good for your health. Some examples are:

  • High carbohydrates can lead to increase in acne
  • Eating excessive junk food can lead to addiction or depression
  • Foods that are high in sodium can increase migraines
  • Sugar which is used in these foods can lead to dental cavities
  • High amount of fats lead to high cholesterol level

There are many more downsides to eating junk food which involve obesity and chronic diseases such as diabetes, fatty liver disease, some even lead to cancer. Furthermore, gaining weight can have a huge impact on your confidence as you start to look differently which can affect you mentally as well.

People tend to underestimate this, but its time we all take it seriously as everyone nowadays is reluctant to eat healthy or take their health seriously. As we know that life is all about balance, same is the situation with food, it requires balance, your body requires balanced number of macros and micro nutrients. Fast food should be a part of everyone’s life because everyone has a right to enjoy tasty foods but it should be in a controlled manner so it doesn’t harm you in any way.


To avoid such health and mental problems, you can either exercise or control your diet in order to enjoy these kinds of foods and live a healthy lifestyle at the same time.


  1. I left fast food for past 1 month and I can see changes in my body I'm more active and lively and now I'll join gym as well.

  2. excess of everything is bad for your health even fast food. its explained here very well. keep it up 👍🏼
